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Lighthousehunter's Shop

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I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.




I am an experienced Primary school teacher with over twenty years experience in EYFS, KS1 and KS2. I have made and used all of the interactive topic based lesson plans, power-points and resources in this shop with my classes. I hope you enjoy using them with your classes too.
‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. KS2/3

‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. KS2/3

Crime and Punishment ‘Witch Trial’ resource pack. The pack is based around a fictional short story set in 1649 and based on true events. A ‘Witch-Picker’ travels from Edinburgh to the North of England carrying out witch trials which resulted in the execution of over 100 people. The story includes a historical context and notes. I wrote the story myself after being unable to find resources which helped pupils understand the concepts, beliefs, fear and motivation surrounding the persecution of individuals as witches in the 17th century rather than focus on the gore and horror of punishment. The resource pack includes: • Short story and historical notes. • Historical information power-point about witches in the 17th and 18th centuries. Seven pupil resources: • Pupil worksheet to summarise the historical context of the story. • Glossary Activity • Glossary cards • Courtroom drama activity and resources for pupils. • Pupil activity about how the witch picker was so powerful. • Pupil activity – Thought Pyramid and questions for small group discussion (6 sets). • Pupil activity – match the crime to the punishment.
Florence Nightingale Famous person fact sheet.

Florence Nightingale Famous person fact sheet.

Florence Nightingale Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Samuel Pepys  fact sheet. KS1

Samuel Pepys fact sheet. KS1

Samuel Pepys Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in their life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about a famous person in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Bats Factsheet KS1/2

Bats Factsheet KS1/2

Bats fact sheet. Includes information about bat anatomy, habitats, Micro and Megabats and echolocation broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. A great topic which can be linked to Halloween, animal topics and conservation. I have used this with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about bats in different genres (science report, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise.
Sporting Hero Template

Sporting Hero Template

I made this resource for Y5 to research simple facts about their sporting favourites in a practical and fun way. the children loved to activity and really enjoyed reading each-other’s work which we made into a colourful display. Useful fun activity for any event in the annual sporting calendar (World Cup, Olympics, Rugby etc).
Ernest Shackleton Famous person factsheet

Ernest Shackleton Famous person factsheet

Ernest Shackleton Famous person fact sheet. Includes key events and important stages in his life broken into short easy to read sections with pictures and photos. I have used this factsheet with pupils in Years 1-4 to help them retrieve information / develop their knowledge to write about Ernest Shackleton in a range of genres (newspaper report, biography, letter or diary writing, fiction, non-fiction etc). I have also used it with a guided reading group and a set of questions linked to the topic followed up with a written comprehension exercise. Links well with topics on Explorers, South pole/Antarctica, Famous people, Ships and sailors, Frozen Earth.
Chinese New Year KS1 and KS2 Assembly.

Chinese New Year KS1 and KS2 Assembly.

Chinese New Year KS1 and KS2 Assembly. A simply written whole school assembly to cover the main aspects of Chinese New Year which can be used in the days preceding or during the 15 day celebration starting on 10th -25th February. Chinese dragon music can be easily slotted into the assembly where you chose (link included). Colourful images on each slide help to engage the children. Power-point of 37 slides which include: Suggested music (links to Chinese Dragon Dance, Festival music) and hymns. Date of Chinese New Year (10th – 25th February 2024). Geographical information about China’s location in the world on a map, land and sea borders, population. Brief information about the Lunar calendar, Chinese zodiac, Chinese New Year celebrations and traditions including Days 1 – 5 of the New Year and the Lantern festival. Poem ‘Chinese New Year’ by Wendy Larmont. A short prayer.
Chinese New Year Animals of the zodiac KS1 and KS2 Assembly.

Chinese New Year Animals of the zodiac KS1 and KS2 Assembly.

Chinese New Year Animals of the zodiac KS1 and KS2 Assembly. A simply written whole school assembly in the form of a story which tells of how the 12 animals were chosen to represent the years on the Chinese Calendar. Chinese dragon music can be easily slotted into the assembly where you chose (links to royalty free music included). Colourful images on each slide help to engage the children. Power-point of 27 slides which include: Suggested music (links to Chinese Dragon Dance, Festival music) and hymns. The Jade Emperor’s race and the animals who enter it. The 12 animals and their final positions in the race. A zodiac wheel showing the dates and the animals which represent the dates. Image 2024 and the year of the dragon. Animal personality traits/characteristics and 12 animal cards to use in the classroom. A short prayer.
Chinese New Year Bundle KS2

Chinese New Year Bundle KS2

Chinese New Year Bundle Powerpoint 1: KS1 and KS2 Assembly/Lesson. A simply written whole school assembly to cover the main aspects of Chinese New Year . Can be used as a stand-alone lesson. Music can be easily slotted in (link included). 37 slides include: Music (links to Chinese Dragon Dance, Festival music) and hymns. Geographical information about China’s location in the world . Lunar calendar, Chinese zodiac, Chinese New Year celebrations and traditions, Lantern festival. Poem ‘Chinese New Year’ by Wendy Larmont. A short prayer. Powerpoint 2: Animals of the zodiac KS1 and KS2 Assembly/ Lesson. A story of how the 12 animals were chosen to represent the years on the Chinese Calendar. Can be used as a stand- alone lesson. Links to royalty free music included. 27 slides include: Links to Chinese Dragon Dance, Festival music and hymns. The Jade Emperor’s race and the animals who enter it. Zodiac wheel and animals which represent the dates. A short prayer. Resource 1 : Glossary workbook A stand- alone lesson on glossaries or part of topic on Chinese New Year. Activities are organised into a short workbook. Learning objectives: To know that a glossary is an alphabetical list of words with definitions found in a non-fiction book. To put words in alphabetical order. To match words about Chinese New Year to the correct definitions. Page 1. An information page about Chinese New Year. Page 2. Vocabulary relating to Chinese New Year. 4 words to order alphabetically and set out as a glossary. Page 3. Questions about vocabulary. Page 4. Alphabetical order guide for pupils. Page 5. Create 3 questions from the information text to ask a partner to include words from the glossary cards. Set of 16 ‘Chinese New Year’ glossary cards for pupils to cut out and order into alphabetical order. Page 6. Answers - alphabetical order. Resource 2. Picture writing descriptions (paragraphs). Four images to stimulate language and descriptive paragraph writing. Resource 3. Three different worksheets with 3 different images (9 images in total) with key vocabulary for each image to support writing. Resource 4. Set of 12 Chinese animal zodiac cards with picture of the animal and their personality/ characteristics. Resource 5. What is your Chinese zodiac sign? Pupils can work out their animal year and write it in Chinese letters. Resource 6 Write your name in Chinese characters. Not an exact match but will give children an idea of how the Chinese alphabet is structured. Resource 7. Chinese zodiac animal code breaking maths (20 questions in total to practice place value and rounding 10, 100. Multiplication and division using 2 and3 digit numbers. Decimal multiplication. Answers included. Resource 8. Instructions make a simple fortune cookie. Resource 9 The traditional tale of Nian the Lion the basis for the traditions of Chinese New Year. Can be read aloud, small group guided reading or as a factsheet or comprehension text or Drama starting point.
Easter Traditions. KS1 and 2 ppt lesson

Easter Traditions. KS1 and 2 ppt lesson

Easter Traditions. KS1 and 2 power-point of 58 slides (including worksheets). This power-point can be used as a complete stand-alone lesson which can be edited into topic sections or as an additional spin off to related topics which encourage the pupils to think about how Easter is celebrated and how the traditions we know today originated. I have kept the information simple with a mix of slides, and lots of additional fun linked activities including a quick dictionary definition exercise, short youtube clips, book exercises (written tasks), paired talk activities and worksheets. Easter traditions covered are: Easter eggs and links to the Saxon Goddess Eostre, egg rolling and paste eggs, Easter bunny, baskets and egg hunting, card giving (and the Victorian tradition), food (hot cross buns, Simnel cake, roast dinner), Easter clothes and bonnets, traditional egg and Morris dancing (my class love the dancing activity at the end and performed at a class assembly). Learning objectives To know the origins of Easter traditions in the United Kingdom and the link to Christianity. To compare Easter traditions today with traditions in the past. To work co-operatively with a partner or small group to discuss answers and ideas about Easter traditions. Introductory activity: What do you know? Worksheet mind map to prompt ideas. Class Poll 1: Easter eggs. Shared talk activities: Links to Christianity and youtube clip ‘The Easter Story’. Pair activity: Pace egging. Worksheets: 3 patterned egg templates to colour and 1 blank egg template for own design. Youtube clip: Egg rolling. Class task: Solve a short riddle. Book task: About Easter cards Blank template with a Victorian border for Easter message Blank templates x 3 to design an Easter card. Class Poll 2: Hot cross buns. Book task: dictionary activity, supporting worksheet and recipe for hot cross buns. Musical link to rhyme ‘Hot cross buns’ Worksheet: Lent and hot cross buns written tasks. Talk partners: Simnel cake Worksheet: Write about and draw traditional easter roast dinner and your Easter dinner. Book task: Dictionary activity and structured worksheet (2) to design and evaluate a bonnet. Paired task: interpret a simple traditional rhyme about new Easter clothes. Class challenge: Watch and follow a simple Morris dance youtube clip. Learn and perform for an audience. Evaluation worksheet: Easter traditions blank writing summary for each tradition. Each slide includes pictures which illustrate the key learning points. Useful alongside lessons or topics on Easter, celebrations, Spring, entertainment, Victorians.
30 PE warm up games/activities KS1 Reception

30 PE warm up games/activities KS1 Reception

KS1 and Reception Pack of 30 PE warm up games/activities to develop: Key skills: Familiarisation with space. Awareness of obstacles and other children. Respond to ‘stop’, ‘turn’, ‘change direction’ and simple signals. Travel in different ways. Taking turns. Positional vocabulary. Each game/activity can be used as a lesson starter to warm up the pupils and help them to practise the key skills. A list of resources is listed by each activity where needed. Games included help pupils develop team work, understanding of rules and tactics or simple strategies. I have used these games and activities and have adapted the names of the games to match some of the topics I was teaching at a particular time.
KS2 Features of seaside towns 2 ppt lessons.

KS2 Features of seaside towns 2 ppt lessons.

Features of seaside towns: Set of 2 KS2/3 power-point Geography lessons. Each lesson is broken into short focused activities. There are opportunities for pupils to recall prior learning, watch a youtube clip (hyperlink), and identify geographical features. Each set of slides contain images to help pupils ‘get a feel’ for the geography of the seaside. Includes 5 pupil worksheets, paired activities, short written tasks. Great to link with cross curricular topic such as Maps and Plans, Seaside, Holidays, All about me, Local Study. Lesson 1 Learning objectives I can identify and describe physical features in the environment. I can identify and describe human features in the environment. I can identify and describe the geographical features of the seaside. I can use key vocabulary to describe the seaside features for example: body of water coastline harbour pier landform. I can apply my knowledge when talking about Scarborough. Lesson 2 Learning objectives I can explain how land is used in a seaside town. I can describe how seaside towns attract tourists. I can explain the difference between seasonal and non-seasonal jobs at the seaside. I can use key vocabulary to describe the three types of jobs people have for example: primary jobs secondary jobs tertiary jobs. I can use my knowledge of a seaside town to explain some of the problems that are caused by tourism.
Autumn bundle 10 worksheets  KS1 pupils:

Autumn bundle 10 worksheets KS1 pupils:

This Autumn bundle has 10 worksheets for KS1 pupils: Autumn acrostic poem templates. Autumn Acrostic poetry templates. Four blank templates with the headings Autumn, Scarecrow, Leaf and Farmer. Each poem has a corresponding word mat of Autumn words help pupils start a new line of their poem. The shorter poem templates can be used with younger or SEN pupils. Autumn months sentence work and an Autumn label to decorate. Fruit and vegetables. Matching to labels and saying where the vegetable grows (ground, tree, bush, hedge, field). Autumn survey for an autumn walk Autumn clothes ordering the clothes in the correct boxes (Autumn or Summer). The journey of bread. Picture sequencing. Grain foods. Listing food made from wheat, oats and corn (labelled image to help). Breadmaking ordering the statements. Hibernating animals. Dictionary definition work and cut and stick animals into categories. Activity mat. Fun mat with jumbled autumn words, a maze, symmetrical drawing, wordsearch. Useful to build into a lesson or for early finishers.
EY/KS1 Signs of Autumn PP 4 lessons.

EY/KS1 Signs of Autumn PP 4 lessons.

EY/KS1 Signs of Autumn Powerpoint Four lessons. Learning Objectives: Lesson 1 To know the names of the Autumn months. To recognise the signs of Autumn around me. Lesson 2 To describe weather changes in the Autumn season. To explain how the autumn weather affects some animals. To know what the word ‘hibernate’ means. To list animals that hibernate. Lesson 3 To name the grains which grow at Autumn time. To name some foods which are made with grains. To sequence the stages of making bread. Lesson 4 To be able to name different autumn fruit and vegetables and say where they grow. The slides include photographs of animals which hibernate (dormouse, bat, frog, grass snake etc) and do not hibernate but sleep at Autumn/Winter (squirrels, badgers, rabbits/hares). At specific points there are short paired talk activities and simple class activities with worksheets (and answers) for each lesson. There are BBC links – making bread and a survey worksheet for an Autumn walk. Cross curricular KOW /Science work on topics of ‘Seasons’, ‘Autumn’, ‘Animals’, ‘Nature’.
Harvest Assembly and supporting power-point.

Harvest Assembly and supporting power-point.

Harvest Assembly and supporting powerpoint. This assembly is complete but can be mixed or edited according to time limitations or pupil numbers/abilities. There are sufficient parts for 2 classes of KS2 pupils or pupils reading and taking acting/ speaking roles. The Assembly begins with a short introduction and information about harvest traditions and moves onto crops and grains harvested with a harvest Alphabet. The powerpoint has images which support the pupil text if you wish to use it. There are suggestions for well known songs and hymns at key points in the assembly. There is a prayer of thanks in the form of a poem which leads onto thanks to the parents/carers for their harvest donations. A short play depicts the theme of sharing with those who need it and moves onto supporting our planet and the climate issues it faces. (a summary of props is included on the playscript). The assembly ends with a ‘Happy Harvest’ where pupils can show their paintings or pictures as they read out short captions. My class made bread and we inserted pictures of the baking process (including the sticky hands and floury faces!) into the powerpoint. Also, the small recorder group played a short song and we took their photos and inserted them into the powerpoint. The children’s scripts were numbered so they sat in order of speaking (and moved if they had more than one part) and their script cards (their words) were mounted on Autumn pictures or collages made by the children and held up for the audience to see after speaking. I hope you enjoy this assembly and have fun with your children.
Pirate knowledge board game.  KS1.

Pirate knowledge board game. KS1.

Pirate knowledge board game. For 2 players. KS1. Learning Objective To practise and remember important words (vocabulary) about Pirates. To work with my partner to remember facts and information about pirate life. To test my own knowledge. Learning objective and rules included. Pupils need a dice or a spinner and a counter each. This is a traditional style board game where the children work their way around a trail from start to finish answering the pirate general knowledge questions as they go. Correct answer wins 1 square forward, incorrect answer wins 1 square backwards. The first person to reach the finish square is the Pirate Champion! I laminated this game for durability and its increased size when I wanted to include up to 4 pupils in the game with an adult to support younger pupils. Useful as an assessment activity or a fun way of developing knowledge in a Pirates topic.
Dinosaur comprehension cards. Set of 12. KS1/lower KS2

Dinosaur comprehension cards. Set of 12. KS1/lower KS2

Dinosaur comprehension cards. Set of 12. KS1/lower KS2. Each card includes a simple information about a dinosaur and eight questions for pupils to retrieve from the text. Simple layout for pupils to find information easily and an engaging picture of each subject on the card. Can also be used without the comprehension questions as a reference resource for pupils to research a dinosaur independently.
Biographies Nelson Mandela

Biographies Nelson Mandela

3 Biographies of Nelson Mandela simplified into three differentiated pieces for HA, MA, LA (Versions: 1= HA, 2= MA, 3= LA) aimed at Y2 & KS2. Each simplified biography is up to one page long. Can be used to identify features of biographies, to aid understanding of how to structure a biography and support content understanding. Also, can be used to support historical research when writing a diary, newspaper report, letter.
Christmas comprehension cards. KS1/Y3&4

Christmas comprehension cards. KS1/Y3&4

Christmas comprehension cards. Set of 20. KS1/lower KS2. Each card includes a simple description about a Christmas related tradition, food or object and four questions for pupils to retrieve from the text. Simple layout for pupils to find information easily and an engaging picture of each subject on the card. Can also be used without the comprehension questions as a reference resource for pupils to research a Christmas topic independently. Comprehension card topics: Snow, reindeer, Christmas tree, Christmas pudding, presents, Father Christmas, holly, robin, Christmas stocking, Christmas pyjamas, mistletoe, mince pies, crackers, pantomime, Christmas cards, Christmas cake, lights, Christmas dinner.
Christmas jumper design KS1 and KS2

Christmas jumper design KS1 and KS2

KS1 and KS2 Christmas jumper design templates. Have fun planning and creating a design for a novelty Christmas jumper! There are three different blank jumper templates for pupils to use and a design planning template to complete before starting the task. I have included a prompt sheet with ideas for the pupils to consider eg style of the jumper (neckline, sleeves), pattern or plain, colours and embellishments etc. There is a post design task on the design template where pupils ask for feedback from three other class members (simple questions are provided on the template) and revise their designs in the light of the feedback. A great activity for incorporating DT/Art into a Christmas theme.